Tuesday, July 26, 2011

PMS. It's an ugly business.

Today, I ate nearly an entire bag of kettle potato chips for breakfast, lunch and dinner. In a rare moment of self-control (baha) and penitence, I grabbed the remaining stash of chips I had left in the pantry and went to throw them in the garbage can. (Wasteful, I know... If there was a hungry, homeless person lurking outside, I would have given it to him.) But, somehow - and I don't even know how it happened - in the three feet of distance from our pantry to the garbage can, the bag(s) of chips somehow managed to turn themselves upside down in my hands and empty themselves in little crumblets all over the kitchen floor so that the simple two second sacrifical task ended with me on my knees sweeping up greasy potato chips with our little hand sweeper. There's a lesson in here somewhere.

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